Discover Kick Butt Sales Secrets, Tactics and Techniques That Will Help You Increase Your Income $37,000 or More in the Next 12 Months
When you are engaged in consultative selling where your prices are higher than your competitors then this is IMPORTANT FOR YOU.
When presenting yourself as a high priced expert and trusted advisor, you are usually asking your prospect to act in ways they do not ordinarily and customarily act- such as being decisive about paying for products and services that may seem obscenely high or expensive or unaffordable to them and paying them to an individual that they may barely know or trust. You do need to recognize what you are up against.
NOT For the Uncommitted and Faint of Heart
You should NOT feel at all guilty nor negligent should you decide this program isn't for you. It is unique and designed for very specific individuals. No one will think less of you should you determine you and this are not a match.
Let me be clear: This is not like any sales training you have ever encountered
In these sessions I tell it like it is and speak candidly about what works and what doesn't. This is not a motivational session. Quite frankly, if you need motivation you need to find it somewhere else. It is assumed that all who participate in these sessions are professionals who are seriously committed to doubling and tripling their income.
In these sessions I reveal very sophisticated strategies and methodologies, and use "adult" language and examples. If any of that - or the very idea of exercising control over others during the sales process disturbs or offends you, then this is NOT for you. For this to definitely be for you must be very, very, emotionally mature and you must be able to as Jack Nicholson's character said. "handle the truth". You need to be perfectly okay with frank, blunt, adult talk and with no-punches-pulled tactics. If you are at all wimpy or mousey or emotionally conflicted about whatever it is that you sell this is not for you.
Who should invest in this program?
If you are not already disqualified by the above....and you sell a high dollar service or product or you have a "client relationship" and need to persuade clients to trust you, to give you large sums of money, and you need to exercise dominant and complete control over those clients, this is for you. If you sit across the table or desk from a prospective client or converse on the phone with clients, and ask for $10,000.00 or $100,000.00 then you must discover what is being revealed in this training.
Your seminar was the first time I ever felt compelled to actually BUY anything. I was with you 100% of the day....it all made so much sense. I've been listening to your entire CD set......got my goals and affirmations written on index cards. I am seeing significant changes in not only the way I view myself, but clients and prospects as well. Thanks so much for the awakening.
Curtis Smith, Account Executive Clear Channel Radio Harrisburg, PA
It's been ten years since we teamed up with Steve Clark. The rewards have been phenomenal. Steve's guidance and enthusiasm and my hard work have resulted in an income and life style far beyond my wildest expectations. Steve's teaching has indeed changed my life!
David D. Keleher Pensacola, FL
On this 8 CD set you will discover how to:
- Skyrocket your income while actually working less
- Quickly disqualify ‘price shoppers" and "tire kickers"
- Eliminate price as an objection
- Position yourself as THE expert in your marketplace
- Increase your free time
- Increase focus and productivity
- Increase your personal effectiveness
- Shorten the selling cycle
- And much, much more....
You'll laugh, cry, and likely get angry more than once during this live, unfiltered, and unflinching recording. Yes, this is the very same Two-Day workshop that Steve Clark taught in Australia. Order this program you'll have Steve's blunt and entertaining wisdom all to yourself. Listen, learn, and absorb these unadulterated, transparent, and true principles and who-could-make-this-stuff-up stories told to an eager Australian audience Live Down Under on the beach in Townsville, Queensland.
Whether you're a sales rookie or veteran, you will find nuggets of wisdom just waiting to be discovered.
Look what's included:
CD#1 10 Cardinal Sins of Selling
CD#2 Belief Windows
CD#3 Six Principles of Communication
CD#4 Why Selling Doesn't Work, Connect, Uncover, Design, and Deliver
CD#5 Peeling the Onion, Trolling for Pain, Drilling Down on Pain
CD#6 How Buyers Make Decisions, Show Me the Money
CD#7 Four Components of Complex Selling, Trusted Advisor vs Product Peddler, How to Differentiate Yourself
CD#8 Prospecting to Fill the Pipeline, Five Stages of Sales Mastery, What Are You Going to Change
Bonus # 1 Going for the Gold CD (value $37.00)
Bonus # 2 Cultivating and Abundant Mentality CD (value $37.00)
Bonus # 3 Jump Start Action Guide ( Value $49.00)
Investment: $347.00 plus $9.95 Shipping
This product come with our 100% no strings attached Money Back Guarantee.
To order call 850-710-3215 or click on the button below