Who Else Wants Unlimited Access to the Only Sales Training Resource You’ll Ever Need to Become A Sales Super Star?
“I Just Do What My Coach, Steve, Tells Me And I Close More Sales”
“Since working with Steve, I’ve closed more business in a shorter period of time than I ever had. I no longer waste my time chasing prospects who are simply kicking tires and shopping price. I am in complete control of the sales process and quickly disqualify prospects who want to yank my chain.”
John Curry, CLU, Tallahassee, FL
Join Coach Steve Clark’s New School Selling Inner Circle Today:
Get Immediate Access To All of These Sales and Success Tools……
Over 15 hours of audio and video Sales Training: Listen as Steve discusses and demonstrates how to apply the New School Strategies and Tactics that you can use immediately.
Monthly Live Call-In TeleClass Training Session and CD
Monthly Subscription to the “Profitable Persuasion”newsletter
Special Members Only Resources Web Site
Email Access For Coaching and Strategizing
As A New School Selling Inner Circle Member What Can You Expect?
When you become a New School Selling Gold Inner Circle Member you will be given a tested and proven system that has a sixteen year track record of producing hundreds of millions of dollars of revenue.
Specifically, New School Selling strategies, tactics and techniques will help you:
1. Shortening the sales cycle;
2. Save tons of time that is wasted with non qualified buyers;
3. Improve closing percentages;
4. Eliminate “free consulting”;
5. Increase the number of qualified leads and prospects;
6. Weeding out non buyers earlier;
7. Reduce discounting in competitive situations;
8. Improve negotiation strategies;
9. Dramatically increasing your income.
I have been in sales for over 8 years and have attended dozens of sales seminars. The most informative seminar that I have ever attended was “New School Selling” presented by Steve Clark. The Jump Start Sales Skills Training course that Steve offered was awesome. His one suggestion landed me 56 appointments in two short weeks! I recommend Steve Clark’s training to anyone who wants to increase their business and ultimately their income.
Tammy Tibbens, Clear Channel Radio / Harrisburg Pa
You will not have to reinvent the wheel. Simply learn the system, put your foot on the accelerator and take off. All of your time and energy will be spent implementing, doing and making vast sums of money.
If you are tired of hearing platitudes and worn out motivational crap the New School Selling process will be like a breath of fresh air.
As a serious student of New School Selling you will become more bold and confident and will develop a backbone of steel. No longer will buyers be able to jerk you around and treat you like some circus animal that is expected to jump through hoops.
Not only will buyers come to respect you more, you will come to respect yourself and the profession of selling more. And, oh yea, your income will skyrocket into the stratosphere.
A Message From Steve Clark North America’s #1 Sales Coach:
Announcing the New School Selling Gold Inner Circle Sales Coaching Membership Program: The Premier Program For EVERYTHING You Need To Take Advantage Of In Today’s Fabulous Opportunity In Professional Selling
“When I started as a rookie sales person in 1980, I would have crawled over broken glass to have access to the same information that is now literally within your reach.”
Steve Clark, North America’s #1 Sales Coach
Dear Fellow Sales Professional,
Boy do I know what it is like to be sitting where you are now. You’re probably staring at this page wondering, “could this be the break I’ve been looking for…or is this another so-called scam artist who will just take my money and leave me with nothing to show for it?”
Believe me, I know how it feels.
If your life is anything like mine was 28 years ago, you are frustrated and have a burning desire to increase your income, save tons of time and improve your quality of your life.
Just twelve years ago, I had a sales job but wasn’t making ends meet. I was dead broke, owed $40,000 on credit cards and was close to being bankrupt.
I was getting up every day and driving an average of 200 miles per day. I was talking with a lot of people, giving a lot of presentations but not being very successful.
Because I didn’t have the access to the knowledge, skills or effective sales processes that I needed.
So what did I do? I began to invest huge amounts of time researching, studying, developing and honing effective sales processes. This literally took me years of hard work to develop.
What were the results?
In a space of three years my personal income went from $53,000 to over $353,000. That’s a 700% increase income. I went from being in the red each month to being over $30,000 each month in the black. Today my income ranks in the top 1% of all salespeople worldwide.
I have a very serious question for you. Do you think you have the knowledge, skills and sales processes to double or triple your income in the next 12 to 24 months?
If you are like most sales professional the answer is Nada, Zilch, Zippo.
I’m Here To Tell You That I Could Have Made Even MORE Money In Less TIME If I Would Have Known What I’m About To Unveil To You Right Now.
Now you have what took me years to develop literally available at your finger tips.
This sounds crazy but I can show you how to get to this level or higher quicker than I did. Sounds crazy but its true.
Sound like a crock? It’s not. In fact, it makes perfect sense. Consider this…
Even though I was able to able to jumpstart my income 700% in three years, the learning curve was steep and the amount of time it took me learn this was huge. I made a lot of mistakes and wasted plenty of time because I didn’t know and had to learn everything by trial and error.
So here’s the magic question: if you could learn in 12 months what took me years to learn would you want to do so?
Is your head nodding? It should be.
What Should You Do Now? Simple – Take Action By Enrolling In The Sales Coaching Program.
One of the keys to success is action. Unfortunately, far too many people are masters at procrastination. That’s why they are broke and unhappy. If you want to join the ranks of the financially elite you must take bold action and stake your claim to success. If you snooze you will surely lose.
That’s why I created the New School Selling Gold Inner Circle Membership program. This program will possibly be the only sales resource you will ever need to become a fabulously wealthy sales professional…….regardless if you are just starting out, or if you are a seasoned pro….
Take advantage of ALL of the Gold Inner Circle Membership benefits right now.
“OK Steve – So What’s The Catch?’
So now you are wondering “why in the world would North American’s #1 Sales Coach give me complete access to everything he knows about how to sell successfully”?
Why would I spend my time conducting hour long TeleClasses each week to share with you what you need to know about how to become one of the elite in the sales profession?
Why would I let you have immediate access to hundreds of articles, video training, audio training, “real life” role-plays that debrief sales calls, and completely update resources that others have paid thousands for?
That’s a good honest question. And I am going to give you a straight-up, totally honest answer.
I know that once you have a chance to check us out you will come to the same conclusion that hundreds of others have; and will see the value in being one of our exclusive Inner Circle Members. The only way you’re going to come to the conclusion that “Steve’s the Man” is for me to arm you to the teeth with everything you need to know to make some serious money quickly.
So I’m rolling out the red carpet for you and give you hundreds upon hundreds of dollars of sales advice practically for free.
Did you catch that? Let me repeat that for effect – By joining the Gold Level today you will earn the right to LOCK-IN a continuing low investment of only $97.97 per month. This offer will not last forever!
If you are going to risk losing the opportunity to lock in the $97.97, you must feel the need for a more in-depth explanation of what you’re going to have access to as a New School Selling Inner Circle Member. And I’m happy to oblige.
Here’s an In-Depth Look at the Ongoing Benefits You’ll Get With Your New School Selling Gold Inner
Benefit #1: Online Access to Master’s Level Recordings: ($997.00 Value)
Each month we update the membership site with new Master’s level training modules that you can access and listen to.
Topics Include:
Selling to the Affluent
What is Your Unique Selling Proposition
Offensive and Defensive Sales Strategies
Overcoming Stalls and Objections
8 Keys to Increase Sales
Selling in the New Economy
Defining Your Ideal Client
Peeling the Onion
Sales Simulations
The Psychology of Influence
Tools and Tactics for Profitable Persuasion
Why is Change So Difficult
And Much, Much More….
All of this will help you close more sales and close them more easily – not to mention putting a spring in your step and a jingle in your pocket as you make more frequent trips to the bank to deposit your new found money.
Specifically here is how you will benefit:
- More effective management of complex, big dollar deals
- A shorter selling cycle
- Higher comfort level calling at the “C” level
- Weeding our non-buyers earlier
- More effective prospecting
- Less discounting in competitive situations
- Higher per sale average
- Better relationships with prospects and clients
- Higher closing ratios in competitive situations
- Lower cost per sale
- More accurate sales forecasting
- Higher activity level
- More effective communication
- An overall increase in attitude
- And Much, Much More…..
Benefit #2: Monthly TeleClass and Audio CD ($97.00 Value)
Each month you will receive a CD with valuable content to help you sell more and sell more easily. This CD will be a recording of a training session or an interview with a sales and marketing expert.
Benefit #3: Monthly Written Newsletter (Value $27.00)
Each month we will deliver to your door the “Profitable Persuasion” newsletter that is chocked full of tips and tactics to help you close more sales and increase your income.
Benefit #4: Monthly Live Call-In Coaching Call (Value Priceless)
Call in and ask Steve any question and receive one on one coaching for about any sales or marketing issue you may have.
Benefit #5:100+ Easy-to-Understand and Apply Sales and Success Articles (Value $97.00) – if you’re serious about doubling or tripling your income, but aren’t sure where to start…this is it .You will find the answer to almost any sales question you may have in these articles.
Benefit #6: Special Members Only Resources Web Site (Value $197.00) On this special members only web site you will be able to access sales resources, templates, interviews, and videos that will help you stay ahead of the competition
Benefit #7: Over 15 hours of Online Audio and Video Training
You’ll have access to over 15 hours of online audio and video training that you can access and watch over and over again so that you can glean every nugget of practical and useful information.
Sign up and you’ll get access to Coach Steve who will take rookies and veterans alike and whip them into money-making machine.
Benefit #8: Email Access For Coaching And Strategizing (Value $197.00)
Got a sales issue you want Coach Steve to help you with. Simple – email him the issue and he will coach you through the situation.
Warning: New School Selling is not for everyone. It is not for the lazy, unmotivated or those who think the world owes them something. But if you have a “burning desire” to become one of the top sellers in your industry it can be your ticket to financial freedom and a lifestyle that is the envy of most people.
Frankly, I can hardly think of anything else I could do for you, short of closing deals for you and writing you a check (now I do have to draw the line somewhere, you know)
Now it’s up to you to take action. “Take Steve for a test drive”. You get to soak up my stuff like a sponge and see if I’ve got the resources to help you grow your income. Take it all in. Better yet – prove to yourself that my methods will take you to the bank. Cause after all that’s the only thing that really matters, right? Whether I can make you money…lots of it…is the point. You betcha it is.
Now’s your chance to accept my challenge and see if my no-nonsense approach to selling will help you close more sales and help you make more money – like it has for hundreds of others just like you.
Take action now
If at anytime during the next 30 days you come to the conclusion that I’m not worth it…or I’m not your style…or selling isn’t for you…whatever the reason…you can cancel. No hard feelings.
You can cancel at anytime because this is a month to month to month membership and there is no long term commitment.
Is This Going To Be The Turning Point for You, Like It Was for Me Back in 1996?
Remember how I told you that back in 1996 I owed $40,000 on credit cards, and almost had to file for bankruptcy and how I prayed for an opportunity to get out of the financial quicksand I was in?
…and how I took a chance with what few dollars I could scrap together to start this business that changed my life?
I can tell you beyond a shadow of a doubt that my New School Selling Gold Inner Circle Membership will give you the opportunity to change your life like it has so many others. That’s a bold statement, I know. But I can also back it up – as you will see.
You will get up-to-the minute, cutting edge, usable sales information that you can immediately implement.
Accepting my offer will not change my life but it may well change yours.
I look forward to seeing you on the inside.
Good Selling
Steve Clark North America’s #1 Sales Coach
As a New School Inner Circle Member, you’ll have immediate and complete access to every tool available to help you grow your income. All of our fabulous learning tools are available for you to absorb…training videos…audios… articles… real-life role plays of real sales calls and a series of eight Teleclass sessions where I will be personally training and teaching you.
One of the marks of highly successful people is their ability to take action. This is your opportunity to take that action. If you click out of here without taking action chances are you will never come back. That would be a shame because you will never know what you missed. So go ahead and see if my stuff is as good as you hope it is. You’ll be glad you did.