Special Offer

Does It Drive You Crazy When Prospects Stall and Put You Off?

Discover How to Quit Wasting Time with “Tire Kickers” by Eliminating Common Stalls,

Objections, Put-Offs and Roadblocks

With the “Tools and Tactics of Profitable Persuasion” tool kit you will discover smart strategies to put more CASH in your wallet…

and maintain control of the sales process by cutting through the smoke and BS that prospects throw at you.

You will be armed with powerful techniques and tactics to neutralize your most difficult prospect’s objection.

Warning: This is a limited offer that may be removed at anytime without notice.

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You know the drill

You work your butt off to get an appointment with a prospect. During the course of the appointment they indicate that they have an interest in your product or service and tell you they would like for you to give them a proposal or quote.

Upon hearing this, a small surge of endorphin surges to your brain. Your endorphin excitement is tempered though because you silently wonder if the prospect is really serious or will this be a waste of your time like so many times in the past.

You wonder what stall or put-off they may come up with when you present your proposal and try to close. You have heard them all and know them by heart:

This looks good but I need to think this over a bit”

I need to get three quotes before I make a decision”

I need to talk to my (boss, partner, spouse, etc.)”

We need to do this but other things are a higher priority now”

The price is more than we can afford”

We need to run this by our current supplier or vendor and see what they can do”

And more and more and more……….

How I became bullet proof and eliminated stalls and objections like these, and how you can too

Like you, I used to hear these excuses all of the time. Used to piss me off to no end that I kept getting crapped on over and over. Then one day, I decided that I had had enough and I began to write down every excuse, stall, put-off or objection I encountered. Upon hearing a stall or put-off, I would write it on a 4 by 6 index card and on the back I would write down possible rebuttals or responses to that particular stall or objection.

Over time, I developed a stack of about two dozen such cards. I took this stack and punched a hole in the top left hand corner of each card. I then put them on a key ring and carried them with me on the front seat of my car.

Every day I would review these cards and practice my responses to each stall or objection. Eventually, these cards became dog eared and frayed. To keep from having to write them again, I had them laminated. Brilliant, not sure why I didn’t do this from the get go Duh!

Anyway, when I started my sales training business, I would tell this story and show my clients these cards. Of course, when I showed them every one wanted to know how they could get a copy. The short answer was “make your own like I did”.

Eventually, I was pressured by clients to do it for them. Being no fool and seeing an opportunity to make a few bucks, that is what I did. Now, you have the opportunity to get a copy of the 22 personal index cards that I developed on how to overcome the 13 most common objections, stalls and put-offs. Each card has an objection printed on one side and four different responses to that objection on the flip side of the card. Simply use these like you used flash cards to learn your multiplication tables and you will be a master in short order.

Unlike my originals, these are laminated and are in full color having been designed by a graphic artist.

In this tool kit, not only do you get the cards, you get a two CD set and a full transcript of the two hours of training I did on how to use these cards to virtually eliminate stalls and put-offs once and for all.

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And yes, this comes with a guarantee like all of our stuff.

Are you going to break this cycle and avoid becoming a victim again?

The honest truth is you, not the prospect, are the problem. The marketplace only gives us a reflection of our own incompetence. If this truth offends you and you want to make excuses or blame your prospects for your lack of success, these are not for you. However, if you can handle the truth and admit that in order to change your outcomes you must change your modus operandi, then there is hope for you.

How much are these

These normally sell on our web site for $297.00 plus shipping. But I am not charging anything like that. Not even half price rate…..but for the insanely, crazy price of $97. That’s right, two CDs, a 35 page transcript and a set of 22 laminated flash cards for just ninety-seven dollars. Some folks will pay for this training 10X over in the next 30 days.

They are a mere $97 and………………….that’s CHEAP, CHEAP, and CHEAP!

Warning: This is a limited offer that may be removed at anytime without notice.

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