Face the facts. You know that most “Think It Overs” are really “nos”. That being the case why not gets the no early instead of late in the process. To do this you must get rid of the “head trash”, that says you’ve got to try to sell everybody. That is not going to happen. You and I both know that.
Let’s look at the problems with “Think It Overs”. It wastes your time. It allows your prospect to steal your valuable information and “shop it around”. It allows the prospect to control the sales process. It results in unrealistic pipeline and forecasting. (how much of your current forecast is bogus?) It gives you a false sense of security and when it becomes apparent that there will not be a deal, it’s devastating emotionally. What’s the answer?
Here are two suggestions.
First make sure your initial agreement covers the fact that at the end of the first meeting that there needs to be mutual agreement between you and the prospect about specifically what happens next, when it is going to happen and what decisions will be made at the next meeting.
Second develop the mindset that your prospect must convince you that there is a reason for your continued involvement in the sales process. In other words, if you’re having any doubts that the two of you should continue the process tell the prospect. Then let him convince you why you should stay involved. The prospect must convince you not vice versa. This takes courage. Unfortunately, most salespeople don’t have it.