Somewhere between playing football in the heat of South Texas and the high altitude of the Air Force Academy, Wes Schaeffer lost the ability to BS.
In 1996, after serving his country in Korea and the Middle East, Wes jumped headlong into sales. With a new wife, a young son (and a second son on the way) all that mattered was closing sales – every day. In his first full year in sales, Wes broke six figures and was immediately promoted into management.
However, he realized that the intangible skills he inherently possessed were often difficult to explain or teach to the sales people he supervised. That is when his sales training journey truly began. Ten years later, in 2006, Wes connected with Steve Clark and New School Selling and got the education that he needed to implement a new, more effective sales methodology that catapulted his earnings.
After first becoming a New School Selling client, and seeing his own productivity and income increase over 50%, Wes, who lives in the San Diego area, joins New School Selling as the first trainer on the West Coast.
Since Wes first started down the rewarding road of sales, he’s added three more children along with a fatter paycheck to support them in style. Now, as a New School Selling Trainer™, he is ready to impart the lessons that he’s learned along the way.
Are you like Wes? Are you a really good salesperson? Do you have a desire to help people? Do you want to be a part of something that is more fun, profitable, and fulfilling? Then join him as part of the New School Selling Certified Trainer Program™.
This fantastic opportunity will allow you to enter into a world of rarified earnings. We are looking for a select few to learn, teach, and perfect the practices and methodologies of New School Selling developed by Steve Clark.
What’s more – you’ll learn the deep secrets not available on Steve’s CDs that will make you a better performer in your day job. And, yes, you can keep your day job for as long as you wish. We want your safety net securely under you until your income as a New School Selling Trainer™ allows your company to pay you to train your successor.
Make 2007 the year you commit yourself to real financial freedom by becoming a New School Certified Trainer. To learn more about New School Selling, the, other sales-related courses and products, please contact Steve Clark today.