To assess your need for sales management training, answer the questions below by using the following rating system:
5 Always
4 Often
3 Occasionally
2 Seldom
1 Never
1. I run a strong pipeline and sales cycle review meeting each week with each sales rep on my team.
2. I make regular sales calls with my sales reps to help them close deals.
3. I have a competitive analysis chart and use it to talk sales strategy with my sales reps.
4. I have developed and use a Visual Score Board that tracks a variety of sales categories.
5. I spend at least 30 minutes each day coaching and debriefing each of my sales reps.
6. I use pre-hire sales assessments in my recruiting process.
7. My sales people know when and how to use both offensive and defensive sales strategies
8. I use a strict accountability process to manage my sales reps activity.
9. Each of my sales reps has a written 90-Day Sales Activity plan.
10. I use sales Momentum Boosters when sales are slow.
11. I run sales training exercises and role-plays at my sales meetings to reinforce sales training.
12. My recruiting process produces top performers.
13. I hold regular sales contests and promotions that spur new sales activities.
14. I have a strong initial sales training program for new hires.
15. I know how to orchestrate a “Sales Blitz”.
16. My sales reps sales forecasting is accurate and reliable.
17. I am a good sales role model for my sales reps.
18. I spend most of my time with the top performers and leave the underachievers alone.
19. I am constantly reading and studying how to improve my sales management skills.
20. I have been ruthlessly honest in answering these questions.
Add the total number of points you scored and see how you compare.
60 points or less means you suck at sales management and need immediate
and intense sales management training
60 to 70 points you are below average and need to seriously consider intensive sales
management training
71 to 80 you are adequate but sales management training would be helpful
81-90 you are doing well but could use some fine tuning
90-100 you are either the very rare exceptional sales manager or you are delusional