Who says Direct Mail Marketing is dead??
If you’ve heard this from anyone it’s obvious they haven’t done their homework!
Consider the following fortune-making facts you should know about Direct Mail:
* 50% of consumers say they pay more attention to postal mail than e-mail. That means if you insist on communicating entirely using e-mail and do not use Direct Mail you may be missing out on HALF the sales opportunities of any given campaign; (Epsilon Channel Preference Study)
* 60% of consumers say they enjoy checking their mailbox and actually receiving mail. There is a positive emotional pay off finding mail in their mailbox; (Epsilon Channel Preference Study). In addition, consider this – 65% say they receive too many emails on a daily basis – more than they even have time to open. (Epsilon). A fast growing percentage of people express frustration and resentment at email marketing even from sources they have a good relationship with (ECommerce Alliance Research)
* In 2011 the total volume of first class mail was depressed by 7% but direct mail for commercial purposes was up 3%. (Target Marketing 12/2011) More than 12 BILLION Catalogs are mailed annually. (Direct Marketing Association Statistical Fact Book) Would companies keep mailing BILLIONS of printed catalogs if their testing indicated they could replace them with online media? Investment in direct mail for advertising rose by 5.8% from 2010 – 2011 encompassing $48 BILLION (DeliverMagazine.com) Think about it – during a recession, spending on direct mail rose. Keep in mind, huge numbers of companies stupidly cut back and switched to online media, so to create this increase the remaining users of direct mail had to DRAMATICALLY increase usage.
* 98% of consumers retrieve their mail from the mailbox the day it is delivered and 77% sort through it the same day (USPS data reported in DM News February 2011)
* NOTHING outperforms direct mail for new donor acquisition. Extensive experimenting by the entire non-profit world has failed to come up with any way to survive and grow without relying on direct mail. (NP Economic Research) Statistics do not lie – It’s obvious that the outlook for direct mail is positive and that it continues to be a reliable and profitable marketing channel!
Stay tuned for Part 2 which will include a few Direct Mail Marketing Tips offering advice on what to do, how to do it, and what to avoid.
Who can tell me what you need to do before launching any Direct Mail Marketing campaign???
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