Occasionally, one of our sales training members submits a comment that deserves special recognition and response and needs to be shared with the entire sales training membership. Sooo…… below is a comment to my most recent post and my response below that.
Hi Steve,
It’s my opinion that your list wants to be up-lifted, offered solutions, entertained with constructive educational money-making content.
Read the other day that five times the number of people watch reality TV than watch the national news. What does that tell you?
Whining and bitching about things are unproductive communications.
Yes, I do agree with the writing formula–Problem…Agitate…Solve
People like happy ending…
Remember it’s just my opinion.
My Response:
Dear Reader,
First of all, thanks for taking the time to read and respond to my post.
You make several interesting points:
Point #1 – that five times the number of people watch reality TV than watch the national news. What does that tell you?
What that tells me is that we have become a nation of voyeurs who get their kicks watching someone else experience adventure and excitement. These people are to be pitied and really need to get their lazy butt off the couch and read a sales training book or listen to a sales training CD on how to earn enough money to pursue their own life of adventure. You only go around once and sitting around watching other people have fun is a lousy way to spend what little time we have on this earth.
Point #2 – Whining and bitching about things are unproductive communications.
I agree with a caveat. While whining and bitching are unproductive; acknowledgement and discussion of reality and its effect on our lives can be productive. It is all a matter of whether one sees the glass half full or half empty.
Point #3 – People like happy endings…
Of course they do. Unfortunately, life is not a fairy tale and things seldom have happy endings. The reality is that more is learned from failure than from success. That said, failure is to be embraced not avoided. Those who lack the guts to embrace failure because of the pain experienced relegate themselves to a life of mediocrity.
On a final note, we are not for everyone. Those who are thinned skinned and unwilling to get real and deal with the real issues in their lives will not be attracted to our brand of success. If they are really turned off by our message, they have the option to opt out of receiving or emails.
Thanks again for responding.