It doesn’t really matter what the economy is going to do. It doesn’t matter if it is up or down. The key is what do you EXPECT. Salespeople don’t get what they want but they do get what they expect. Sales, like life, is a self-fulfilling prophecy. Don’t let others such as co-workers, the media, friends, family or anyone else set your expectations for you.
Here is a step-by-step plan to help you:
- Determine what you want clearly and specifically
- Determine the amount of prospecting activity that it will take to achieve this goal
- Create a detailedweekly plan to accomplish the activity
- Commit to do “whatever it takes”
- Track your activity and results
- Analyze your results and make corrections to your plan
- Start over at number 1
This is not hard to do but it does take commitment. It is also what separates the mediocre from the great. Choose to be great.