The Dog Days of Summer

OK, I know I’ve complained about the heat for the past couple of months but now its almost August – the DOG DAYS of summer and that entitles me to continue my rant!

People (and Steve this includes you!) – If you see your dog laying under the car to get away from the heat – for heaven’s sake put him in the house. It is NOT cooler under the car…..yeah we’re out of the direct sunlight but there’s also no air circulating under there and there’s also a pretty good chance we’re sprawled across a puddle of the latest thing dripping out of your car!

If your dog is sitting straight up but his tongue is on the ground – that’s a pretty good indication that he’s hot – again open the door and let him in the house. Unless you are one of those thoughtful dog owners with a doggy door – and you know who you are (unfortunately for me Steve does NOT fall into this category!) then we’ll decide for ourselves when it’s time to go in and out. And personally if the decision is left up to me – I’m INSIDE from June through October!

Oh and by the way, who came up with the idea that only cats get to do their ‘business’ in the house? Don’t be so sure your dog can’t be taught to use the bathroom. We’re smart enough to go to the door and spin in circles so it’s a safe bet that we can master the art of hopping into a dishpan full of sand! It’s pretty much a no-brainer. If a cat can do it any animal can do it – trust me! The reason I bring this up – not to air our family dirty laundry or anything – but Steve has a habit of putting me out because HE thought it was time for me to go to the bathroom. Hey Steve, you stick to coaching and sales training and I’ll decide when it’s time for ME to go to the bathroom!!!

Anyway, the Dog Days of Summer are here and I’m trying to deal with it! But until Steve decides that I can lay around on his bed in the air conditioning and go to the bathroom anywhere and anytime I please is it too much to ask to be taken to the groomers. I’m covered in fur….and it’s like 120 degrees outside. I have the number for PETA – don’t make me use it!!!

See You in September!
