In a complex sale, one in which there is more than one decision maker, you have four types of buyers: the Economic Buyer, the Technical Buyer, the End User and the Coach. Each of them has their role to play. The EB is concerned with the bottom line. The TB is concerned with product performance. The EU is concerned with how will this make my job easier or better. The Coach is concerned with helping you get the business. (They are your inside salesperson.)
All four of these have the capacity of “killing ” the deal. All four roles can consist of individuals or groups. Some of the players may serve in more than one role. All four of them have to be sold individually. Each of them has different “pains” or concerns. In order to make the sale, the sales person has to: identify whom the players are, develop relationships with each of them, approach and sell to each of them individually and collectively.
Failing to do this is dangerous and costly. The fallacy sales people make in situations like this is to focus on product and price. In complex selling it is NEVER about product or price. It is about process and relationship. This is the art of Strategic Selling. It is what separates the great producers from the good producers.