Unsolicited Testimonials

Sometimes They Are So Good You Can’t Keep Them to Yourself

Scripted testimonials can appear hokey and cheap. However, unscripted testimonials that come from the heart, can have a seismic impact. This is one such testimonial.

From: Carrie Ann Lindner [mailto:clindner@cjcsradio.com] To: sclark@newschoolselling.com

Good Morning Steve,

I would like to inform you that I will not be participating in the Masters Teleclass on Tuesday, April 17th at 10:30 Central Time.

I will be participating on Tuesday, April 24th at 10:30 Central Time when I return back to the office.

I will listen the class when I return to the office on Monday, April 23rd to be knowledgeable on what happened the week I missed and to log that information into my Masters Teleclass journal for future reference.

Thank-you for organizing this class and encouraging us to participate as I have learned a lot from the experience of others and your personal experience. I am more confident in what I do when we end the call and take the information I have learned from you and the other participants, and apply it to my daily activities. I very much enjoy the common topic of being confident in what services you provide and I loved the line ‘being borderline arrogant’ from last weeks class.

Being reminded that I do know what I have to offer will benefit every business has changed my attitude on the no’s I have received in the past and during my current cold calls. From the cold calls I made in the summer of 2006, when I first started, have grown into larger accounts, fostered new relationships with clients and confidence in the clients that they are now part of an awareness campaign that does work for them and their goals.

I know that I have to continue to make the calls, take the no’s, smile, move forward and call the no’s again in 6 months. I have asked the businesses that I call if I can call them back again in 6 months and frequently the reply is yes. Right now, I am revisiting the No’s on my list and many of them recall our first conversation and appreciate the time I have taken to follow-up. It might be a no again, but in 6 months, they know that I will touch base again to see if they are getting results they want with their current marketing program. I am developing rapport with the contact as, they begin to trust me, and when the pain of no results is realized they schedule an appointment with me.

I have a meeting in two weeks that was a no in the summer, to have a discovery to see if radio will be a possibility to assist in their growth and to fill his pipeline with clients. I know that he is dissatisfied with his current program in print and said that they only want his money. Now, the cold call from August has now grown into a meeting and a positive relationship.

Thank-you for all of you guidance and sharing your experience with everyone who is part of the Telecalss. I always look forward to Tuesdays

Have a great weekend,
Carrie Ann Lindner
Account Representative
519-271-2450 EXT 225

My Response to Carrie Ann:

Carrie Ann,

Thanks for your kind comments. My passion is to help folks like you become more confident in themselves, their company and their product. I am thrilled that you are improving in all of those areas and excited about your future growth. Your clients are indeed fortunate to have someone as professional as you on their team.

Good Selling

Steve Clark
Email: sclark@newschoolselling.com
Website: https://newschoolselling.com/
Skype: newschoolselling
Phone: 850-936-7028

Profitable Persuasion eBook

Don Cunha

Hi Steve I saw you speak at a NAIFA meeting in Tallahassee, Florida 2-4 years ago. I am now on the board for NAIFA in Tallahassee Florida and would like to see if you would come again for our meeting in September 2011. John Curry and I bought your tapes that day and I listen to them often in my car. I bought (1) prospecting (2)Golden Keys to effective Sales Management (3) Cultivating an Abundant Mentality. In my opinion this is the best money I have ever spent for helping me with insurance sales thanks. Don Cunha

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