The Introduction
Hey, it’s me Jake! For those of you who don’t know me – I am Steve’s (somewhat) faithful companion and the brains behind New School Selling. You’ll come to understand why I say ‘somewhat’ faithful as you get to know me! It recently came to my attention that only the New School Selling Inner Circle members who are mailed Steve’s hard copy newsletter have heard of me. So I made the executive decision to give the rest of you the opportunity to get to know me as well. I’m tired of being in Steve’s shadow, waiting for my moment of recognition. Apparently Steve wasn’t going to make the move so thanks to his AMAZING assistant – I’m finally making my E-Newsletter debut!
So let me begin with a short bio. I’m a dog. That pretty much covers it!
I decided this publication needed a little something. But when I’d try to explain this to Steve, he’d give me that blank stare, roll a ball across the floor and that would be the end of it. Ok, maybe I should have been a little more focused but – you read my bio – I’m a dog! We instinctively chase after things. So I revised my request, kept Steve busy with a few chewed up computer wires and approached his AMAZING assistant with my idea. (Can’t believe I didn’t think of that one sooner!) Now I’m not sure if she loved the idea or loved getting one over on Steve but it worked – here I am!
My first issue of business – that “Note from Steve” section. I’ve read the “Notes” from Steve – and frankly – that South Carolina Gamecocks cheer he does every week is wearing thin. They won a few games this year – big deal…..even a slow dog catches a car every now and again but it’s hardly worth all the hoopla!! So I’m putting my foot down (actually it’s my paw) and telling him he needs to start rooting for the Georgia BULLDOGS or the Connecticut HUSKIES. Well, actually he can start that next week….this week I see from his above Note that SC plays the Auburn TIGERS this weekend. Those TIGERS need to go down and if it takes listening to his Gamecocks rant one more week I guess I can deal with it! As a canine I cannot advocate cheering for a team with ‘feline related’ mascot!
I’m looking forward to chatting with you every week and want you to know that Steve will have little if any input in my articles! I may throw him a bone once in a while and let him check my spelling but I’m pretty sure all he’ll do is turn that chore over to his AMAZING assistant anyway. But I don’t want to hurt his feelings so I’ll let him think he has some say in this matter. Besides, he’s a great guy and he did rescue me. Which, by the way, he insists on reminding me EVERY chance he gets. Not that I’m not grateful, because I am, but enough with it already. It’s not like someone else wouldn’t have come along eventually and taken me home. May even have been someone WITHOUT cats but that’s for another week’s rant.
So from now on, whether Steve likes it or not, I will be a regular feature in this E-newsletter. Oh yeah and I’ll be getting my own blog soon (as soon as his AMAZING assistant can pull that one off!!).
Until Next Week,