Warren Bennis, is the distinguished professor of business administration and founding chairman of the Leadership Institute at the University of Southern California (the other USC). He was also named top ten thought leaders in business by Business Week in 2007.
According to Bennis, “The first leadership competency is the management of attention through a set of intentions or a vision, not in the mystical or religious sense, but in the sense of outcome, goal, or direction.”
To illustrate the importance of this, Bennis tells the story of the great aerialist Karl Wallenda, patriarch of the Flying Wallendas, who’d performed death defying feats on the high wire for more than fifty years before tragically falling to his death at age seventy-one. Wallenda’s capacity for concentration on his intention was so legendary that at first, no one could understand how this accident could have happened. However, Wallenda’s wife later reflected that he’d been anxious that last day before taking the wire, a tightrope without a safety net, in San Juan, Puerto Rico. For the first time since she’d known him, he was concentrating before the show not on succeeding but on the risk of falling. He’d personally supervised the attachment of the guy wires, which he’d never done before. It was his fear of falling, more than likely, that made his fall come true. And just as likely, Bennis said, “his concentration on success had acted as an equally self-fulfilling prophecy all the many times he’d triumphed on the high wire.” A clear takeaway here is that what you focus on grows.
Good sales training does the same thing. It keeps the participant focused on what they want not what they don’t want. If you are not involved in a sales training program or sales coaching program that holds you accountable and keeps you focused on what behaviors need to be done, and the tracking of those behaviors, you are missing a vital element necessary for success. If you think you can provide this for yourself, you are a fool. Don’t believe me. Take a look at your income for the last twelve months. If you are happy about it stop reading. If you are not happy with your income, and you are honest, you will admit that maybe you need some help staying focused and on track.
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