Tag Archives for " Buying is Emotional "

Transactional Buyers vs Relationship Buyers

Buyers tend to be transactional-oriented or relationship-oriented. Transactional buyers are concerned about today’s purchase. They do a lot of research investigating the product they are considering buying and consider himself or herself a product expert. They are not concerned about service, trust or relationships. They are concerned primarily about price and terms. They enjoy negotiating […]

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What Are Buyers Afraid Of?

We live in a world full of uncertainty, fear and anxiety. Stock market crashes, terrorists attacks and wars are all part of our daily lives. Our fear and anxiety is constantly being nurtured and reinforced by every print and electronic media we encounter. Tragedy is brought to us in real time “live” and “up close […]

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Emotion vs Logic

When people buy an ice cream cone, they don’t buy a lump of fat and sugar. To the ice cream lover, a delicious cone is a spirit lifter, stress buster, or hunger reliever. When your prospect buys your product or service what emotion are they buying? While you may be providing perfectly practical benefits, selling […]

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