Tag Archives for " attitude "

The Michael Baker Podcast

Recently I was interviewed and featured on the Michael Baker Podcast. If you don’t know Mike Baker, here’s a description of his podcast… “The Awesome Wholesaler Experience Podcast explores the many facets of The Job, The Career, and The Lifestyle of The Awesome Wholesaler!Each episode will bring to you a fun, informative, and maybe even […]

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Say NO to Negativity

We all know people who never have a good word to say about anything. Comment on what a beautiful sunny day it is and they will complain that they are too hot. Say how much you are looking forward to going to the cinema and they will tell you how awful the movie is. These […]

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Why Do Businesses Lose Customers?

The biggest reason may surprise you According to well documented studies your business loses customers for the following reasons: 1%   die 3% move away 5% leave because of a recommendation from a friend or relative 9% leave because they percieve that another company has better products, serivces or prices than you do 14% leave because they […]

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