Tag Archives for " Steve Clark "

Your Brain Is Defective and It’s Not Your Fault

They Can’t Help Themselves Politicians lie. Bankers lie. Yes, they’re liars. But they’re not bad, it’s in their genes, it’s inherited. Their brains are wired that way, warn scientists. Like addicts, they can’t help themselves. They want to sell stuff, get rich. We want to believe they’re telling us the truth. Silly, huh? Both trapped […]

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How Your Brain Conspires To Keep You from Succeeding

According to accepted neuroscience, we have three brains: our Brain Stem, which controls motor function, our Limbic or emotional brain and our Neo Cortex or rational thinking brain. The purpose of our Limbic or Emotional Brain is to ensure survival, and all the complicated emotions and behaviors that implies. It is here that the basest […]

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