All Posts by sclark

Trainable vs Non-Trainable

According to hiring expert Dave Kurlan, only 15% of sales candidates that are tested by his company pass the pre-hire screening test, and are recommended for hire. These numbers are in line with Herb Greenberg’s numbers that state that only 20% of the people now selling has the emotional and psychological talents to be top […]

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Think and Grow Rich

American born Napoleon Hill, author of Think and Grow Rich the most successful business book in history, is considered by many to be the most influential self-help writer in history. Born in 1883 in a one-room cabin on the Pound River in Wise County, Virginia, Hill began writing, at age thirteen, for small town newspapers, […]

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Three Brains in One

Though the left brain / right brain lateralization is a well-established fact, documented by the research of Nobel-winner Roger Sperry, many people misunderstood what this really means. While there are definite differences between the functions of the left brain and the right brain, these differences pale in significance when compared with the differences between the […]

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