Tag Archives for " Selling Skills "

Increasing Personal Productivity

Accountability The fifth chunk to increasing personal productivity is accountability. Accountability serves as a reality check to keep us on track and to help us stay grounded and focused. Unfortunately, less than two percent of the population has the ability to hold themselves accountable. So they usually need a mentor, a coach, or need to […]

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Qualify or Disqualify Early

Most salespeople operate from an entirely self-destructive paradigm. They operate with the mistaken belief that it is their job to present proposals and quotes to any potential buyer that requests that they do so. They unilaterally give proposals and quotes without requiring the buyer to make any commitments or decisions. They willingly give away free […]

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How Do You Sell a Pencil?

If I gave you a pencil and asked you to sell it, how would you go about it? This is one of the most basic sales questions I ask potential sales training or sales coaching clients. Their answer reveals much about their previous sales ntraining, understanding of the sales process, and ultimately their level of […]

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