Watch Your Tonality

According to the science of neurolinguistic programming, as much as 83% of the communicated message on the phone is the use of tonality. Tonality has to do with rate of speech, volume, pacing, pitch, and rhythm. The goal of tonality is to mirror and match (not imitate) the person you are speaking with. For example, […]

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Overcoming Your Need For Approval

Wanting the approval of other people is a natural human condition. We all like emotional strokes and positive affirmations from others. It is only when this want becomes a “need” does it begin to interfere with sales success. If you have a Need For Approval it will affect you by getting in your way at […]

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Only Decision Makers Can Get Others To Make Decisions

According to Dave Kurlan, author of Mindless Selling and developer of the Dave Kurlan Sales Profile, there are five major weaknesses that impact success in selling. The most powerful of those is Buy Cycle. According to Kurlan, “Buy Cycle refers to the process by which salespeople make purchases for themselves. Because salespeople use the same […]

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